Don't Get Tagged!
How to Play:
Rock, Paper, Scissors will be used to determine who will choose first to start as the Evaders (wears flags) or the Chaser (flag puller).
There will be 2 teams with a minimum of 5 players, maximum of 10 athletes per team. Or if sign up numbers are uneven, some teams may have an extra player in this case.
One player from each team opposes the other at opposite ends of the Duo (playing field). Having only 2 players total on the playing field at one time.
Evaders must wear two flags while in the Duo, but only one flag needs to be pulled to score.
Game will start with one referee, starting the game with a whistle.
Each Chase round will have 20 seconds to either Evade the Chaser or the Chaser will pull one of the Evaders flags within the 20 seconds.
If the Evader gets away within the 20 seconds that team gets 2 points.
If the Chaser pulls one flag that team gets 1 point.
All players must stay in guided boundary lines; stepping out of the guided boundaries will cost that player that round.
Four quarters of 8 minutes for age groups 5&6 & 7-9
Four quarters of 10 minutes for age groups 10-12 & 13-15
There is one 5-minute half time.

Player’s must have their flag belt over their shirts.
Player’s will be responsible for their flags being secure. Any malfunction during any round of a player’s flag will result in that team to forfeit that round only.
Player’s at any given time cannot grab their own flag to adjust it or to protect it from being pulled or dropped. This action will forfeit that player’s round.
Please as the Chaser do your best and practice to only grab the players flag and not their clothing.
Chaser’s cannot grab an Evader's clothes to pull them closer to pull their flag. Doing this will forfeit that player's round & point goes to the other team.
Cleats are allowed at outdoor events.
No helmets allowed!
Mouthpieces Optional
Shin guards, elbow pads, knee pads are optional!
Teams are encouraged to be coed.
One coach or adult supervision required for all age groups. Age groups 10-12 & 13-15 do not require a coach but at least have adult supervision.
Players from each team are allowed to move within anywhere of the boundary lines. This includes jumping on top, jumping over obstacles, underneath, or even through obstacles.
Athletes will rotate in order before that athlete can go again.
After each quarter coach or players can change up their rotation. This ensures equal playing time for each Athlete.
How to Win:
Game will be played in 4 quarters with an option of overtime.
Team with the most points at the end of 4th quarter Wins the Game!
If over time is required, half a round will be given to determine the Winner!